2023 is the year of trips!

In August, I will be traveling to Denver, then to Asheville, THEN to Knoxville, then back to Tampa. Oh yeah…and in the time span of one week…

Mentally preparing as well as physically preparing for the packing, multiple flights, weddings, and social interactions is going to be interesting. But, in true Natalie Rich-fashion, I can never say no to a trip.

It’s going to be exhausting, but it will be worth it. And, I can always rest when I get back to Tampa…right?

When planning a state-to-state trip like this, I’ve learned that not only is it important to set yourself up for success before the trip, but even more so after the travels. However, bouncing back after back-to-back trips is depleting. Sometimes you need a vacation after the vacation…and who has time for that?

If you are trying to recover after back-to-back travels, here are some tips to help you unwind and get back into the swing of things:

1. Shower

I am by no means a germaphobe, but there is something about being in an airport or airplane for hours on end that makes my skin crawl. 

The first thing I do after back-to-back trips is take a long, hot shower. I scrub off all the germs from the flight, use my favorite lavender soap, and make sure my hair has a fresh wash as well. 

For some reason, showers on trips never hit as well as the one in your own shower at home. And that first shower back after a trip is always the one thing you need to bounce back and feel more like yourself. I truly relish this time to myself after being in a giant metal cylinder in the air next to other strangers for hours. 

Take the time to enjoy your rinse – you won’t regret it. 

2. Hydrate and Eat The Foods That Make You Happy

The first thing Ryin and I do on our way home from a trip is plan out our first-night-back dinner. It gives us something to look forward to after eating out for days on end. Believe me; we love eating out at restaurants, but sometimes after a trip, you get a little burnt out from eating out. 

We usually always have a staple after every trip; we call it our “Recovery salad” which consists of leafy greens, grilled chicken, fruits, and veggies to help our bodies heal and reset. Nothing tastes better after traveling than a home-cooked meal and something like this will help you settle back in after traveling for days on end. 

We also make sure to get back on track with drinking water. We consider it a purge from all alcohol and sodas that we always seem to treat ourselves to while traveling. 

Whatever you decide to eat or drink, make sure it makes you happy and feel refreshed!

3. Get Your Life Together

Being the OCD psycho that I am, I usually always try to do this as soon as I get home from the airport. 

I always have to remind myself that I can take a moment to rest before jumping into “Let’s Get Things Done” mode. However, there is nothing I love more than settling back in after traveling. 

It sometimes makes the long hours at the airport and the delays on airlines worth it once you get home and get to unpack your suitcase! I use this time to start laundry, get organized, restock the fridge, and overall, get my life back together. 

Again, you don’t have to do this immediately when you get home, but if you start this the day after resting, you won’t regret it. Another pro-post-travel tip is to always use an extra PTO day for the day after your trip. This way, you aren’t scrambling to get everything done the second you get home. 

This helps so much because I can truly enjoy my first night back and then use my extra day after to go grocery shopping, wash my clothing, catch up on emails, and get organized for the week ahead. Trust me – the extra day is much-needed and well worth it!

4. Dedicate A Time to Rest

Rome wasn’t built in a day and you won’t accomplish all your to-do’s in one day either. 

After multiple hours spent on an airplane or on the road, it’s important to take some time for yourself. I know for me, I physically cannot rest until my bags are unpacked and laundry is started, but I have to remind myself that it’s okay to leave the suitcase in the living room for a day or two. 

Whatever you have on your agenda when you get back can wait. Block out some time to catch up on sleep, lounge on the couch, and unwind. Your body will thank you for the much-needed break.

Looking for more expert tips to recover after back-to-back travels? Let’s chat! I’m happy to help you devise a post-travel plan that works for you and your busy schedule!