Okay, first of all…take a deep breath.



I know you’re stressed; I know you’re overwhelmed but being reactionary isn’t going to help you. You’re searching for a way out, and it’s completely understandable.

You’re entitled to doing whatever you want, but before you do…hear me out.

Work can be so challenging; dealing with different personalities, demanding customers, and never-ending to-do lists can really get to you. Day in and day out, you’re tired of bending over backwards for your manager, for your coworkers, for your clients. You know you’re capable of more, but you’re too burnt out to even think about what “more” might mean for you. 

I’ve been there. I’m still there sometimes. And all I can say, is that it’s time to give yourself some grace. Before you do anything drastic…read on.


There’s Power in The Pause


Before you hit the button to book that trip, and before you decide to submit that passive aggressive resignation letter to your boss, I want you to just take a second. Is this really something you want to do?

My favorite podcast Coffee Convos always refer to their favorite mantra in moments like this: “There’s power in the pause” and it has never rung truer than when you’re wanting to quit your job and run out the door to the airport. 

Taking the time to pause will help you both mentally and physically by allowing you to quiet your mind. You need a break before you can see through the cloud of anger and resentment for the current workplace issue(s) you are dealing with.

I’ll admit it…I do have a habit of responding immediately when someone sets me off; my favorite pastime is firing back a scathing email with fiery bullet points. Plus, I always come to the table with receipts (“Per my last email, please see attached…”) But, with the power of the pause, I usually make myself take a step back from my computer and remove myself completely for an hour or so to really think through my next move. From there, my head is eventually clear enough to decide if I still want to take the step I was initially going to take. There’s power in the pause…so make sure you actually pause for a second. 



 Eat Or Get It All Out on Paper


The number one thing I recommend doing when you’re tempted to irrationally quit your job is to stop what you’re doing and grab a snack.

I know we can sometimes run solely off of cortisol and caffeine and expect that to assist with managing our emotions. Like many others, I am a workhorse, and sometimes I won’t eat if I am in the middle of a big assignment or if I am putting out a massive fire wrecking havoc on my workplace. However, it is so important to eat and take care of yourself, especially when you are stressed with low blood sugar.

Your decisions and emotions are heightened when your body is starving. Take a break and grab some lunch; preferably something nutritious…or if you want to splurge on Chick-fil-A, I will never tell you no to fast food!

For me, I also find writing to be helpful in making decisions. I am a big fan of pro and con lists and stream of consciousness writing. Sometimes, just getting all your thoughts out and on paper is the best way to analyze your next step (little do you know, writing this particular blog isn’t just to give tips…it’s to help myself as well!)



Take A Mental Health Day or A Vacation


You have PTO for a reason, so use it to take some time for clarity. A day on your own doing the things you love will bring wonders to your peace of mind and assist immensely with decision making.

However, if you are hell-bent on running away to Europe, it might be best to take a trip or two prior so you can truly get a feel of life on the road. Time away from your computer and coworkers will give you the rest and reset you need to fully think through your next move.


Still Feeling Shitty?


I’ll be honest: these steps don’t work for me every time. It takes practice and effort to truly make these tips stick. 

There isn’t some magic wand you can wave to get rid of anxiety and stress in the workplace.

Like many others, I can be quite a reactive person and I tend to make decisions solely based on emotions. However, I am learning to truly think through decisions more, and not be so inclined to jump ship when things get tough. It’s a challenge, but I’m working through it, and you can too.


If you have been thinking for a while about leaving your job to travel and you truly want to quit and run away to Europe, I can absolutely help you do that! Let’s get you out of that toxic workplace and on to your next adventure. Message me now to get started on planning your dream trip (aka escape plan!)