My number one fear isn’t snakes, bugs, or heights.

It’s not big crowds and it’s not flying on planes. 

It’s traveling for 15+ hours and finding out that my checked bag has been misplaced. 

I cannot think of a worse way to start a trip, and I cannot think of a bigger inconvenience that I want to avoid. So, in preparation for my 5-week trip to Europe, I made the executive decision to fit 5-week’s worth of clothing, toiletries, and miscellaneous items into a carry-on bag and a backpack. 

Sounds crazy? You better believe it.

Venturing to 9 countries and 14 cities with 40 people is a tumultuous task. And when your itinerary consists of constant movement and relocation, the last thing you want to do is haul around a giant suitcase. An even worse scenario is being without your items when you are only in a country for a limited amount of time. 

To avoid this debilitating fear, I spent a week learning the art of packing for my European adventure in an organized and efficient manner. 

Get ready for step one of a stress-free vacation with my tips on how to pack for a 5-week trip in a carry-on!

1. Have A Plan of Attack

I started planning my September adventure to Europe in early February and being the psycho-organizer that I am, I began planning my outfits. I researched the weather during the times I would be traveling and made a condensed list of what I knew I wanted to bring. Once I decided on a list of items, I cut the items in half to make the list even smaller. This made it easier while packing because I already knew what I wanted to bring along with me on my trip. 

I knew ahead of time that I would not be bringing items that were not needed; such as that one fancy skirt that would look great with that bedazzled top. Instead, I made sure to strategize and plan versatile, comfortable tops that could mix and match with easy-to-wear bottoms. 

Because I made a strategy some months ahead, I was able to solidify what I was planning on bringing within the first half-hour of packing. This alleviated a lot of stress and saved me a decent amount of time.

2. Use Your Wits & Pack Smart

After much deliberation, I made sure to ditch my favorite pair of heels and instead invested in a pair of walking shoes. The basics were easy, but even after scaling my items down, I still found it difficult to pin-point the “necessities.”

I settled on 4 dresses, one romper, three blouses, two t-shirts, seven bottoms, and four sleepwear items. This was probably still more than what a normal person would pack…but I knew I needed options!

I opted out of packing cubes and decided to use the space by rolling my clothing. By doing this, I was able to squeeze more items into every nook and cranny. 

I began by laying my jeans out first, with the legs out across both sides of my suitcase. I then laid my rolled clothing on top of my jeans, and folded the jean legs back over the clothing, creating a sort-of snug garment sandwich. 

I then used the inside zipper pocket of my suitcase to arrange undergarments, a swimsuit, socks, and a hat. It was surprisingly easy to fit everything in that one, tiny compartment. Everything was organized and had its proper place. 

I also made sure to take pictures of what I was packing so that I could pick my outfits without having to unravel all my items every time I needed to change. This became helpful especially when I was in a crunch for time and couldn’t sit and unroll each and every item.

3. Get Creative with Space


After trying multiple failed attempts at packing my bulky cardigan, jean jacket, and raincoat into my suitcase; I knew I had to come up with a better strategy.

Thankfully, my airline allows us to bring a carry-on and one personal item, so I decided to fill up my backpack with as many pieces as possible. I layered the bottom of the backpack with my jean jacket and raincoat, books for the flight, and my makeup/toiletries bag. Using a backpack also prevented me from digging through my carry-on suitcase for items that I needed during my flight like my purse, eye mask, or headphones. 

4. Strategize for the Plane


I planned to wear my bulkiest clothing on the plane, simply because I couldn’t fit them in my suitcase/backpack. I decided on wearing my heavy sweater, a knit cardigan, and my boots (Hey Madrid is going to be 90 degrees…but who cares!) 

This gave me more space in my suitcase and allowed me to be comfy-cozy on my flight. I had plenty of layers when the flight grew cold, and I used my cardigan as a pillow when the flight was warm. 

6. You Can Always Buy Stuff There

Here’s the thing…you can always buy items when you are traveling. I ended up buying a duffle bag in Prague and filling it with sweaters from Switzerland, pasta from Italy, and numerous souvenirs for family and friends. On my way back to the United States, I checked my bag in Greece and tackled my fears.

The best part of it all?


Do you still think I’m crazy for not wanting to travel to Europe with a checked bag???

Thankfully, I got my suitcase back…three days later! Regardless, I successfully condensed 35-days worth of clothing, toiletries, and personal items into one carry-on suitcase and a backpack… and so can you!


Voila & Happy Packing!