At last, there is a dim, shimmery, shining light at the end of the dark tunnel known as COVID-19.

The long-awaited announcement, “We are open” has now become our favorite new verse across headlines and tweets. Specifically, when it comes to travel.

It’s been almost two years since my last international trip; and just like every other avid traveler, I’m currently chomping at the bit.  

I’ve resisted “appetizer” travel or more familiarly known as “stay-cations” because nothing quenches the thirst more than traveling abroad. Now that the world is opening back up again, it’s time to do some planning!


Here are four places you can travel to right now to salivate the glands of anticipation for that next big adventure:



Grab your parka and hiking boots! As of April 6, 2021, all tourists who can show proof of full vaccination or previous COVID-19 infection can now travel to Iceland. The country asks that all those looking to travel to Iceland pre-register for their trip on this website. According to, you can start planning your trip to see fiery volcanoes and gleaming glaciers now, pending you follow the country’s guidelines and restrictions. 

As a previous Iceland explorer, I highly recommend locking this trip in. Iceland suspends the traveler into an “other-world,” a locale of mystical adventure. No doubt, trekking through this unique terrain will fully satisfy the buzz of that pesky travel bug.


Egypt (and mummies!) are ready for tourists, but pending you have the documents necessary to enter. Travelers must provide physical proof of a negative COVID-19 test within 72 hours before arrival, according to U.S News. The embassy website also has some specifics on quarantine regulations, so it’s recommended to keep up to date on the changes that this country could be implementing within the next few months.

 Funny enough, I was supposed to go to Egypt back in 2020 pre-Covid. I’m anxiously awaiting the time I can gather enough vacation days to make this bucket-list trip happen. While summer travel can be a grueling endeavor when wandering throughout Egypt, I’m hoping to reschedule during any other season besides summer in 2022.



Get ready for endless baguettes and crepes because as of June 9th, tourists can now return to France. The Eiffel tower awaits those who have proof of full vaccination as well as a negative COVID-19 test no more than 72 hours before departure. As always, refer to the embassy site for specific information on what is needed/not needed in order to see this incredible country.

France is a “must-see” country. Much like every well-read intellect has consumed Shakespeare, every well-traveled explorer has experienced France. Following such a hectic year and a half of Americans being cooped up in our homes, I highly suggest strolling up to a local French cafe and enjoying the sights and scenes of this romantic get-a-way. Simply enjoying a croissant and a coffee will set your soul at ease.


The tranquil views of Greece await all gods and goddesses. This scenic country is opening its ancient temple doors to travelers pending they have a negative COVID-19 test 72 hours before arrival. A specific form is needed in order for entry, and if you are already vaccinated, you can bypass the negative COVID-19 test, per the embassy website.

Take a jaunt among several Greek islands or simply enjoy a day relaxing in the sun. Lord knows, after a year like 2020, you deserve to rest with a cocktail in hand!

Are you getting excited? Yes, it’s definitely time to start planning. While travel is always iffy during uncertainty, one constant is that true explorers never pause. The world will (eventually!) get back to normal and until then, you can start prepping for your next trip. Trust me, I’m already on it!