I truly do love the experience of being in an airport. 

Don’t get me wrong – sometimes I dislike being squished against another person in the terminal. Most of the time, I shove my headphones in my ears and avoid conversation with anyone other than the airport bartender. And often, my eye begins twitching every time I hear a child scream before or during boarding, while in flight, or while deplaning.

But…that’s the beauty of travel. It’s messy, loud, obnoxious, and irritating…but it also makes it amazing, worthwhile, and exciting.

I, like many others, experience many different emotions while flying. While I love traveling, anxiety gets the best of me until after I pass through security and get settled. While eager to get to my destination, it’s not unusual being the first one to clutch the armrest and voice a Hail Mary at the first sign of turbulence. From the time the Uber drops me off at the airport to the second the plane lands on the tarmac, I am riddled with anxiety.

Sometimes, it presents challenges. How can something so enticing induce such panic and nervousness? While anxiety and flying are symbiotic and that which I’ve struggled with for years, I can confidently say that I have found some ways to manage these ill-content feelings. Perhaps not entirely foolproof, but certain strategies permit some departure from anxiety allowing me to manage fear and somewhat enjoy my flight.  “Enjoy” is the operative word here because how can one truly enjoy sitting rigid in a giant tin cylinder, often for two or more hour stints, 32,000 feet in the air, without any possible control… but I digress.

Thankfully, I’ve created some tips and tricks to manage the proverbial fear of flying while still enjoying traveling.


1. Get to the Airport Early

Yes, I am one of those people who gets to the airport three hours early. I can’t help it – I feel better when I am through security, within close proximity of the gate, clutching a beer in my hand. I find it really helps my anxiety getting to the airport with plenty of time to relax. Scrambling induces anxiety so anticipate the inevitable… those snakelike check-in lines, delayed trams, and the end-of-terminal gates. 

If I know I have more than enough time getting to where I need to go, sometimes I can sneak in a snack or two. I always bring my book or laptop to keep me occupied, and as I said, I truly relish in the hustle and bustle of the airport environment, so an early arrival makes sense.

Now, getting there late is another story – this increases my panic, makes me irritable and stressed, and overall ruins a potentially delightful airport experience.

So, lesson to be learned – getting to the airport early = relaxation and enjoyment and might potentially help you as well!


 2. Snag the Window Seat

As I’m sure you’ve gathered by now, I am a control freak!  If I can’t control my situation, I can at least anticipate the unfortunate. As neurotic as that sounds, I always choose a window seat no matter what. I get a sense of calm out of looking out the window during takeoff and watching the large, bustling city below me disappear into microscopic ants. In a way, the window seat keeps me off edge and allows me to see that there really isn’t anything to be afraid of, and the view can be just as beautiful as the trip itself. Plus, I only have to deal with one occasional elbow.


3. Invest in Noise Canceling Headphones

These were a game-changer for me! I found that my heart rate would increase with the smallest sounds of the engine or constant airflow. Once I am settled in my seat after boarding, I instantly plop on my headphones and disappear into my music or podcast. I am also able to block out other passenger’s crying babies, snores, and conversations, so it’s easier for me to relax and even nap while on my flight. If you experience anxiety while flying and don’t have noise-canceling headphones, invest in a pair before your next flight!


4. Bring a Book, Movie, or Other Distraction

I always prep for a long flight with plenty of books, magazines, and other sources of entertainment. I recommend booking flights where individual, back seat-mounted, TV screens are accessible. Whatever I can do or bring to distract myself is always helpful to avoid the reality that I’m strapped in a floating tin. Consider the flight time as an opportunity to manage time. I maximize this time to get ahead on my writing and actually, some of my best work occurs while in flight.


 5. Use Mantras, Phrases, and Breathing Techniques

When all else fails where anxiety spirals out of control, I always repeat what I am grateful for. I’m grateful for this experience, I’m grateful to even be able to afford to fly in an airplane, I’m grateful I get to see my loved ones when I land. By being grateful, it allows me to live in the present and diminishes any negative thoughts I have spinning in my head. I repeat different mantras and phrases to help guide my thoughts while simultaneously, I use my breathing techniques to calm myself down. I also use this time to talk to God and just thank him for everything in my life. Doing these actions truly helps me soothe myself and prevents my mind from going to dark spaces. Plus, I am able to connect with God and be present in the moment while anticipating landing.

If you’re like me and experience anxiety while flying, just know, aside from death and public speaking, flying is one of mankind’s greatest fears. You can still love to travel and hate flying; you just have to learn how to manage it. Over my many years of travel, I have found what works for me, and I hope you are able to find what works best for you.

Anxiety should never be an obstacle standing in the way of doing what you love, and I’ve learned how to make sure it doesn’t stand in the way of my dreams. I’m here to help you do the same!